Thursday, July 10, 2014

Keep an Eye on the Garden

We will be gone until July 21st.  Please keep an eye on the garden and water what needs watered while we are gone.  Thanks!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Some of you have tomatoes that need staked!  Also, pumpkins, squash and cucumbers are growing in nicely.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Garden Plot Information

Here is the Garden Plot Information.  The first three pages are the plot assignments.  The fourth page has everyone's contact information.  The fifth page has the key to the plot arrangements.  On the plot arrangements the first chart is the plot numbers, while the second chart has the initials of the person assigned to the plot.  Pay attention to the gate, shelter house and barrel to orient yourself to the proper plot location.

I think this is an opportunity to cooperate with each other by looking to see who is growing the same plants as you.  Maybe you can share seed packets, since in square foot gardening you don't use that many seeds.  They are planted in a two-dimensional pattern, as in 1, 4, 9, or 16 in a square foot.  I will be there tomorrow to mark out the plots with the grid.  Get your seeds or plants and read the directions for when to plant them.  Feel free to ask me questions about planting  in the square foot gardening method.

Let me know that you got this message by emailing me back at

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Planting Information

If you are unsure where to start with the planting process, there is some information in the Pages links in the right margin of this blog. I am working on assigning plots to everyone now!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Pictures from Last Year's Garden

Click on any picture to see it larger.

 Here's a small sample of our harvest.
 It started to get a little out of control when our lives got out of control and I couldn't keep up with it!  At least the plants had no trouble growing!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Envision the Harvest

Here, let's post the amounts of each item you are interested in harvesting.  An example would be, I want to have enough for a salad a day for a week (small example).  This would be a certain amount of different types of lettuces, some radishes, carrots, etc.  Think specifically what you are interested in having.  If we do 3 4' x 8' beds, that will be 96 ft² of garden that we are trying to plan.  We want to figure out how much of everything that we want to plant at what time.  If you envision your harvest that will help to plan our planting!

Please comment.

Garden Site Pictures

Here are some pictures of the possible site for the garden by the Spangler Memorial shelter house.  We can relocate the fire pit.